Alltagsbeobachtung als Subversion
Leningrader Dokumentarfilm im Spätsozialismus, Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte Oste
Hilbrenner, Anke / Kraft u a, Claudia
Erschienen am
01.10.2014, Auflage: 1. Auflage
This book investigates gender roles in the everyday life of the late Soviet Union through an exploration of documentary films produced in Leningrad. The films do not only show official aspects of communism but also provide insights into the lives and problems of Soviet citizens. The film Mother is a Hero of Labour (Nasa mama - geroj, dir.: Nikolaj Obuhovič, 1979) for example portrays a textile worker in Ivanovno. It shows the main character not only at work in her combinate and at assemblies of the communist party, but also when she is coming home crying from tiredness. The analysis of the unique film material presents important insights into Soviet society of the 1970s. In addition looking at the films themselves the author elaborates methods for the analysis of audiovisual sources within history.
Dr. Aglaia Wespe ist bei Terre des Femmes Schweiz und als Lehrbeauftragte am Departement Geschichte Basel tätig.