In this work, Solinski gives those with riding as a hobby a step-by-step introduction to the more subtle methods of exclusively gymnastic horse training also subscribed to by his great teacher, the master Nuno Oliveira. This makes Solinski's Pferdegymnastik a guide for all horse trainers and riders in search of an easier and more complete understanding of their animals who wish to train them up to the standards of the "higher schools". In the second part of the work, he uses a diary for the training of a robust young horse to show the practical way from its training for working at the hand of the trainer, longeing, lead training and the first breaking in to gymnastic training in side steps and higher schools of walking, i.e. until a joyful and trusting cooperation of horse and rider is achieved. The third part of the work is devoted to everyday problems with horses and solutions to them, i.e. problems and difficulties with which any horse trainer can be confronted sooner or later.