Financial performance is crucial for saving and credit cooperative societies for providing with adequate credit for members who has no access for financial services from conventional financial institutions. Thus this study was designed to analyze financial performance of the Aga Dagay saving and credit cooperative Union using financial ratio analysis and effectiveness of financial structure. The study used mainly secondary data from audit report, account and members saving and share book. The analysis also supported by primary data collected from key informants. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the financial status of the union and correlation analysis used to investigate the relation that financial performance of the cooperative union has with the member saving, share capital, financial investment, loan and reserve fund.
M. Moses Antony Rajendran was born in 1975 in Kalasapuram, B.H.EL., Trichy - 620014, Tamil Nadu, India. Right now he is an Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance, CBE, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethipia. Mr. Kifle Womdimu is his research scholar of M.Sc., in Accounting and Finance.