Communication for Societal Transformation in Africa is a book that provides readers with research based vital knowledge for the social transformation of the Africa. The book is a key resource bank that has been developed over time. It captures all the key sustainable development issues that have been bottled into five key themes. The five book sections are: Chapter 1 (pp 3 - 30): Biomass Energy for Household Welfare ( Wilson Okaka); Chapter 2 (pp 31- 55): Communication for Public Health Care (: Wilson Okaka); Chapter 3 (pp 56 - 92): Communicating Social Inclusive Development (Author: Wilson Okaka);Chapter 4 (pp 93 - 115): The Role of Universities in Promoting Education for Sustainable Development (Leticia Komba Rwakijumba and Wilson Okaka); Chapter 5 (pp 116 - 139): Communicating Innovations for Social Change (Wilson Okaka and Irene Judith Nagasha). The chapter are written in the scholarly fashion that is typical of peer-reviewed international journal articles. The details of the main the book authors are presented at the end of the last chapter (pp 140 - 142). This book is vital for all levels of professions, practice, leaders, researchers, institutions, and careers worldwide.
Prof. Wilson Okaka is a Ugandan professional who is research and policy communication. He received his education and training from Uganda, UK, Italy, Sweden, and USA. Prof. Okaka has travelled globally and published books, book chapters, journal articles, and conference papers. He belongs to research, media, science, and education networks.