Mati and Ahmed live in neighborhoods not far from each other in Jerusalem. Meeting by an extraordinary coincidence, they discover that they share something unique: they are both thumb-sized! Quickly they develop a close friendship and proceed to adventure after adventure in their shared city. Along the way, they learn so much about each other's language, Hebrew and Arabic, faith, and culture. They relish their differences, and they are eager to have new experiences. They also find that they share important values like caring for all creatures, giving to those in need, and hospitality. In sometimes harrowing circumstances, they shop in the Arab market place, put themselves on the line to help a lost donkey, reach out to help a poor woman in distress, rescue an injured cat, and find opportunities to assist in a synagogue and in a mosque. Mati and Ahmed form a special friendship and show the way for others. The prophet Isaiah teaches his vision for a more peaceful world: "And a small child will lead them." (Isaiah 11:6)
Rabbi Lewis is a community rabbi who loves to create stories for children, especially stories with a message. He has an abiding interest in peacemaking in the Middle East and beyond. A disciple of Abraham Joshua Heschel, he is the author of Torah of Reconciliation. He believes that children can lead the way to peace.