Spectroscopic Tricks was introduced in 1959 as a special section in the journal Applied Spectroscopy. Its purpose was to provide a means for communicating information on new devices, modifica tions of existing apparatuses, and other items of this nature of interest to the working spectroscopist. That it has proved valuable is indicated by the continuing publication of this section now under the title of Spectroscopic Techniques. However, the use fulness of these contributions, scattered through the many issues of the journal, diminishes as time passes since the reader must consult the annual indices of many volumes of the journal to find the contri bution that may hold the solution to his problem. The collection of the contributions into a single volume for the years 1959 through 1965 made it easier for the reader to make this search. The success of the first volume has prompted the continuation of these collec tions. The contributions in this second volume are selected from the the years 1966 through 1969. They are arranged in the same manner as in the previous volume according to the area of spectroscopy. Those concerned with the same devices are placed together so that the reader can compare them readily. To maintain the advantages inherent in a single collection of articles, the subject index for this volume includes all the entries and page references from the original volume. Both author and journal indices are are also provided, the latter citing the original Applied Spectroscopy edition.
InhaltsangabeEmission and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.- 1.1 A New Briquetting Technique.- 1.2 Preparation and Spectrochemical Analysis of Lung Tissue for Beryllium.- 1.3 Dilution Device for Atomic Absorption Analysis.- 1.4 Simple Interchangeable Hollow-Cathode Lamp for Use in Atomic-Absorption Spectrometry.- 1.5 Hollow-Cathode Lamp for Use in Emission and Absorption.- 1.6 Versatile Hollow-Cathode Light Source for Spectrochemical Analysis in the Vacuum Ultraviolet.- 1.7 Stabilization of Nitrous Oxide/Acetylene Flames.- 1.8 Rapid Loading Stallwood Jet.- 1.9 Simple Jet for Emission Spectrography.- 1.10 Versatile Gas-Metering System for Controlled Atmospheres.- 1.11 Stable Source for Plate Calibration.- 1.12 New High-Intensity Spectral Source with a Narrow Line Profile.- 1.13 Spurious Radiation in Littrow-Mounted Grating Monochromators.- 1.14 Image-Rotating Device for a Spectrograph Illumination System.- 1.15 Mask for Selecting Orders for Use with the Jarrell-Ash Order Sorter.- 1.16 A Device For Making Time Studies.- 1.17 Slit-Adjustment Mechanism for a 1.5-m Bausch & Lomb Spectrometer.- 1.18 Attachment for a Rotating Sector.- 1.19 Modified and More Versatile Direct-Reading Head for a 3.4-m Ebert Spectrograph.- 1.20 Test Jig for an Integrating Direct-Reading Spectrograph.- 1.21 Baird Clock Revisited.- 1.22 An Improvement to the Weekley-Norris Electronic Computer.- 1.23 Semiconductor Current Regulator for the Spectrographic Arc.- 1.24 Punched Cards as Position Indicators for Spectrographic Plates.- 1.25 Derivative Scanning for Wavelength Identification.- 1.26 Device for Measuring Spectral Linewidths.- Infrared Spectroscopy.- 2.1 Protective Holder for KBr Pressed Disks Containing Reactive Samples.- 2.2 New Technique for the Preparation of KBr Pellets from Microsamples.- 2.3 A Technique for the Use of the "Mini-Press" in Micro Infrared Spectroscopy.- 2.4 Laboratory Preparation of Polyethylene Pellets.- 2.5 Preparation and Use of Powdered Silver Chloride as Infrared Matrix.- 2.6 Pressed-Film Technique for Obtaining Infrared Spectra of Thermoplastic Materials.- 2.7 Pressed-Film Technique.- 2.8 Infrared Cell for Reactive Gases.- 2.9 High-Temperature Vacuum Cell for Infrared Studies of Adsorbed Molecules.- 2.10 Sample-Inlet System for Studying Adsorption of Low Vapor Pressure Materials on Solid Surfaces.- 2.11 Method for Rapid Transfer of GLC Fractions into Infrared Cavity Cells.- 2.12 Simple Device for Preparing Polyethylene Liquid Cells for the Far Infrared.- 2.13 Method for Making Disposable Far Infrared Cells with Fixed and Variable Pathlengths.- 2.14 Cell Design for the Measurement of Transmission Spectra of Liquids at Very Long Infrared Wavelengths.- 2.15 Far Infrared Transmission of Commercially Available Crystals and High-Density Polyethylene.- 2.16 Low Temperature Far-Infrared Transmission Properties of Polycrystalline and Single-Crystal Silicon.- 2.17 Internal Reflection Spectroscopy in the Far-Infrared Region.- 2.18 Solution for the Sample Contact Problem in ATR.- 2.19 Method for Obtaining Improved Diffuse Reflectance Spectra in the Near Infrared.- 2.20 Calibration of Infrared Cells.- 2.21 Polishing Jig for Infrared-Cell Windows.- 2.22 Restoration of Transmission to Silver Chloride Plates.- 2.23 High Photometric Accuracy in an Optical Null, Double-Beam Infrared Spectrophotometer.- 2.24 Technique for Establishing Baseline in Infrared Spectrometry.- 2.25 A Nomograph for the Correction of Spectral Data Recorded in Transmittance.- 2.26 Direct Determination of the Integrated Absorption Intensity from an Infrared Transmission Curve.- 2.27 Numerical Method for the Direct Determination of Integrated Absorption Intensities from Transmission Curves.- 2.28 Measurement of Apparent Bandwidth Parameters of an Absorption Band.- 2.29 Convenient Method for Encoding Infrared Spectra Linear in Wavenumber Using the Sadtler Notation.- 2.30 Card Coding of Spectroscopic Data.- Mass Spectroscopy.- 3.1 New Method for the Production of Ions from Nonconductors fo