The present book focuses on the study of carbon dioxide laser - soft tissue interaction by analyzing: thermal effects produced in tissue, temperature distribution in tissue using Comsol MultiPhysics and surgical smoke produce by tissue vaporization. This book consists of 3 chapters; the first two chapters are focused on analyzing the thermal effects in soft tissue from the aerodigestive upper tract after carbon dioxide laser irradiation by Optical Coherence Tomography and histophatological, and temperature distribution in tissue using the bioheat equation. The third chapter is focused on quantitative analysis of a by product of laser - tissue interaction, surgical smoke using laser photoacoustic spectroscopy technique. The book represents a potentially interesting to researchers and specialists with the application of life sciences area.
Dr. Mioara Petrus followed the Faculty of Physics and has a PhD at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Works as researcher at NILPRP-Department of Lasers, Romania and has results in laser tissue interaction, numerical simulation in Comsol MultiPhysics and laser photoacoustic spectroscopy applications.