The Varieties of Orthographic Knowledge

II: Relationships to Phonology, Reading, and Writing, Neuropsychology and Cognit

W Berninger, V /
Erschienen am 01.12.2012
CHF 191,00
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789401041720
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage


The role of orthography in reading and writing is not a new topic of inquiry. For example, in 1970 Venezky made a seminal contribution with The Structure of English Orthography in which he showed how both sequential redundancy (probable and permissible letter sequences) and rules of letter-sound correspondence contribute to orthographic structure. In 1972 Kavanagh and Mattingly edited Language by Eye and by Ear which contained important linguistic studies of the orthographic system. In 1980 Ehri introduced the concept of orthographic images, that is, the representation of written words in memory, and proposed that the image is created by an amalgamation of the word's orthographic and phonological In 1981 Taylor described the evolution of properties. orthographies in writing systems-from the earliest logographies for pictorial representation of ideas to syllabaries for phonetic representation of sounds to alphabets for phonemic representation of sounds. In 1985 Frith proposed a stage model for the role of orthographic knowledge in development of word recognition: Initially in the logographic stage a few words can be recognized on the basis of partial spelling information; in the alphabetic stage words are recognized on the basis of grapheme-phoneme correspondence; in the orthographic stage spelling units are recognized automatically without phonological mediation. In 1990 Adams applied connectionism to an analysis of the orthographic processing of skilled readers: letter patterns emerge from the association units linking individual letters.


InhaltsangabePreface. Introduction to Volume II; V.W. Berninger. Relationships to Phonology. 1. From Orthography to Psychology to Reading; R.L. Venezky. 2. The Increasingly Inextricable Relationship between Orthographic and Phonological Coding in Learning to Read: Some Reservations about Current Methods of Operationalizing Orthographic Coding; F. Vellutino, et al. 3. Electrophysiological Correlates of Orthographic and Phonological Processing. Using the Probe Procedure; D.L. Molfese, et al. Relationships to Reading. 4. Development of Orthographic and Phonological Processes in Normal and Disabled Reading; C. Lennox, L.S. Siegel. 5. In Search of the Core Features of Dyslexia: Observations Concerning Dyslexia in the Highly Orthographically Regular Finnish Language; H. Lyytinen, et al. 6. Children's Use of Orthographic and Contextual Information in Word Recognition and Comprehension; Yeu Hong Kim (Yoon), E. Goetz. Relationships to Writing. 7. Children's Spelling Strategies; C.K. Varnhagen. 8. Children's Acquisition and Retention of Word Spellings; L. Dreyer, et al. 9. Structural Equation Modeling and Hierarchical Linear Modeling: Tools for Studying the Construct Validity of Orthographic Processes in Reading and Writing Development; R.D. Abbott, V.W. Berninger. Commentary: What is Visual in Orthographic Processing? D. Willows, E. Geva. Practiced Connections of Orthographic and Phonological Processing; B. Foorman.