Those who are allowed to speak to the same listeners for many years will - adapted to today's lifestyle - preach briefly and as memorably as possible, with a clear message and in generally understandable language. As a former Trappist, I am not good at using many decorative words. As a former moral theologian, my intention is always to offer impulses for practical life. Moreover, because of the more or less constant number of listeners, I try to proclaim the Good News in a varied and contemporary way, so that something of the fullness of the Catholic faith can be seen. The present cycle of sermons should make this clear.
Gerhard Holotik: ordenado sacerdote em 1968 como Trapista em Engelszell. Outros estudos em Salzburgo e incardinação. Desde 1970 no tribunal eclesiástico de Salzburgo e activo como pastor, 21 anos funcionário. De 1977 a 2009 professor de Teologia Moral na Universidade de Phil. Theol. da Diocese de St. Pölten, publicações relevantes.