As Time Goes By

Eternal Facts in an Ageing Universe

Erschienen am 01.07.2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783897857483
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 132
Auflage: 1. Auflage


As Time Goes By offers an overview of different versions of tense realism, or A-theories of time, critically assesses those that have found supporters in the extant literature, and finally explicates and defends a hitherto neglected A-theory of time that combines many of the virtues that the B-theory claims for itself, while avoiding many of the vices that afflict more standard A-theories. Proceeding from certain general assumptions about time and its structure, the authors first provide an exhaustive classification of mutually exclusive realist views of tense in terms of precise criteria. They then critically review the more familiar of these views, such as presentism and relativism, in the light of desiderata any A-theory should satisfy, before showing how their favourite A-theory can satisfy all of these desiderata and how it escapes the McTaggartian trilemma recently expounded by Kit Fine. In the last part, the authors devise a systematic metaphysics for that view, give a reduction of times, and of the temporal order, in its terms, and provide a full semantics, statable exclusively in tensed terms, for both tensed and untensed language. The book closes by addressing and defusing the challenge that the authors favourite A-theory is a B-theory in disguise.


Sven Rosenkranz, born 1969, studied philosophy at the Universities of Göttingen and St. Andrews (PhD, 1999). After a one-year postdoc research position at UNAM (Mexico), he took up a five-year post as wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Freie Universität Berlin, where he also obtained his senior doctorate (Habilitation 2004). In 2008 he becomes a Senior Research Professor at ICREA, the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies. Since 2010, he coordinates the Marie Curie Initial Training Network PETAF, and is a member of the executive committee of the Consolider-Ingenio project PERSP, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. His main research interests are in epistemology, metaphysics and the philosophy of mind and language. Fabrice Correia, born 1972, studied philosophy at the University of Geneva, where he got a PhD in 2002. He was then appointed professor-researcher at the University Rovira y Virgili in Tarragona (Spain), and at the same time became a member of the LOGOS Research Group at the University of Barcelona. In 2007, he got a Swiss National Science Foundation professorship and went back to the University of Geneva. Since 2009, he runs the Swiss National Science Foundation Sinergia project "Intentionality as the Mark of the Mental". His main areas of specialisation are metaphysics, logic and the philosophy of language.