Patrizia Patz bezeichnet sich selbst als evolutionäre Krustensprenge-rin. Als Profi-Trainerin und Coach begleitet sie seit über siebzehn Jahren Menschen und Organisationen über die Grenzen ihrer Kondi-tionierung hinaus zu mehr Möglichkeiten und authentischer Lebendig-keit. Sie ist Expertin für die Verbindung von Emotion und Ratio, so-dass ihre Kunden neben wirksamen Lösungen auch die Kraft ihrer Gefühle zurückgewinnen. https://www.lebe-deine-berufung.deSo you think the digitalization of the economy is over? No. It has just begun. And it' gonna turn everything you know upside down. It will radically change your job and your life. In a way you can hardly imagine today. Is that supposed to scare you? No. Because your digital future is not only being made in Silicon Valley. You and your company are part of it. If you understand the mechanisms of digital transformation and disruptive innovation, and if you embrace the logic of the digital economy, you will be shaping your future. Digitalization starts in your mind. Curiosity is more important than expertise. And you can achieve what no one in the large tech companies can. With his stimulating new book, Europe's leading expert on innovation and digitalization shows how everyone can become a digital winner. A book for all of you who, after the numerous discussions on the subject of digitalization, ask yourself the question: "How can I take advantage of the opportunities that digitalization brings?" Dr. JensUwe Meyer is an Internet entrepreneur, software architect and one of the leading keynote speakers. With 13 books, he is considered Europe's foremost expert on innovation and digitalization. The press about Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer "Top management consultant for disruptive innovation." (Harvard Business manager) "One of the most dedicated pioneers of innovation." (manager magazine)