Islam as way of living, as existential guideline of a fifth of the world population, is inconceivable outside or without the Qur''an. That''s why, any attempt to dialogue would be sterile without trying to understand the Qur''an, the transcendental core which conditions and determines the position of the "other". In such a context, knowing how does the Qur''an communicate with the receivers of its message becomes an imperative for the Occidental man, because the Qur''an is an essential and existential meeting point between the sacred and the profane, between transcendent and immanent, as determinant element of the Islamic man''s mentality. Knowing the Qur''an as it is, with due respect but without exaggerations, represents thus a premise of inter-cultural dialogue and pacific coexistence. As such, this multidisciplinary and pragmatic analysis addresses itself to all those interested in better understanding the triadic relation man-God-world within Islam from a communication perspective.
Doctor of Philosophy, he studied Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Bucharest. At present he works as an Arts and Humanities Researcher at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi and is Professor of Arabic at the same university.