The authors of "" conducted meticulous local research on the European cities of Copenhagen, Manchester, Almere, Amsterdam, Leipzig, Zurich, Sarajevo and Barcelona, seeking to understand the factors influencing urban development in Europe and present the individual planning strategies in place today. Their analyses focus on the role of urban planning as part of the ever-shifting phenomenon known as "the city", examine the differences between action plans and concepts in Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Spain and spotlight the protagonists of urban development. The individual issues in focus include: Future visions: designing, renewing, communicating; Players: cooperating, initiating, implementing; Processes: planning, negotiating, marketing; Reshaping the city: regeneration, transformation, new construction; Open spaces: accessing, connecting, opening up; Significance: radiating, staging, symbolising; Form: accentuating, differentiating, experimenting.