Die Effekte der Zielorientierung auf den Berufserfolg

Erste empirische Befunde, ISM Workingpaper 17

Erschienen am 01.02.2022, Auflage: 1. Auflage
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ISBN/EAN: 9783755797593
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 32


Regarding their Goal orientation people can be divided into those that strife to enhance their skills (learning goal orientation / LGO) and those that aim to demonstrate their advanced skills (performance-approach goal orientation / PApGO) or hide their inferior skills (performance-avoidance goal orientation / PAvGO). The study analyzes the relation between the two dimensions of goal orientation and the career success based on a sample of 260 participants of age 50+ that are currently employed or have been so in the past. For the LGO the expected positive relation with the career success can only be established for the self-assessed career success. Opposed to theoretical argu-ments the negative relation between PApGO and career success cannot be es-tablished. For the PAvGO the expected negative relation could, however, be established. Additionally, it has been shown that an effect of conscientiousness on the rela-tion between LGO and career success is likely.


Carlotta Böge absolvierte eine Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Marke-tingkommunikation in einer Werbeagentur in Hamburg. Anschlie-ßend studierte sie Psychology & Management mit dem Schwer-punkt Human Resources an der International School of Manage-ment in Köln. In ihrem Gap Year zwischen Bachelor und Master sammelt sie nun in Form von zwei sechsmonatigen Praktika bei den Konzernen Henkel AG & Co. KGaA und Nestlé Deutschland AG Erfahrungen im Human Resources, insbesondere im Recruiting und Employer Branding.