Decrease in the academic performance in many secondary schools continues to be observed every year at the release of the results of Rwanda National Examinations. This is definitely not a good trend, especially for a country like Rwanda that has a vision of education to accomplish by the year 2015. Numbers of studies have found that family and school environment of schools are the key factors of success or failure of the school. It is against this background that the need for this study was envisaged. The general objective of this study was to investigate on the perception of students and head teachers on the influence of family and school environment on academic performance in private secondary schools in Kigali city. Therefore school environment was found to affect academic performance of students than family environment. In view of the results obtained from this study.
Teacher trainer with 13 years of teaching experience in higher Education,Consultant in designing academic programs ,Credit Accumulation, Modular Scheme and Competence-based curriculum, Masters in Educational Management and PhD candidate in Curriculum and Teaching. He has a keen interest in Educational Management and educational programs development