The highest stage of civilization is protection of human rights. Civilization without human rights is absurd. The enormous economic development cannot be enjoyed by the people unless there are rights for human beings. Humanity must be exhibited which is possible only if there is a freedom. Ones freedom should not interfere or cut down the freedom of others. There lies the civic sense and a profound civic sense leads to greater extent of civilization. Man is a social animal and highly distinguished from other creatures. The creator of this universe whom we never see but the creator of this naked wonderful world by man can see. Nothing can be compared to the thinking power, reasonable actions of man. Such a type of man must have rights to balance the human race and for his long survival. All human beings, men and women are equal and possess equal capabilities in all respects of life. The inequalities between male and female are only man-made. Women in most societies are assigned a subordinate position in the family and society. Ours is a society in transition. Our society is neither a primitive one where women enjoyed neither natural equality nor like the western society where women
Name Dr.B.Venkataiah MA PhD Department of Human rights and Social Development S V University Tirupati Andhrapradesh india. Attended National seminars and Paper present 30. Published Article 3.