Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere

3 Temperate and Polar Zonobiomes of Northern Eurasia

Erschienen am 01.11.2011, Auflage: 1. Auflage
CHF 127,00
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ISBN/EAN: 9783642701627
Sprache: Englisch


Inhaltsangabe1: Zonobiome VI: The Temperate Nemoral Zones of Europe.- 1.0 Introduction.- 1.1 Climate.- 1.2 The Soils.- 1.3 The Producers.- 1.3.1 Subzonobiome (oc) with the Atlantic Heath Areas.- 1.3.2 Subzonobiome (eumi) with Central European Vegetation.- 1.3.3 Subzonobiome (miru) of the Deciduous Forests of Eastern Europe.- 1.4 Consumers.- 1.4.1 Introduction.- 1.4.2 Habitat Diversity and the Importance of Seasonal Change to the Fauna of Deciduous Forests.- 1.4.3 An Ecological Survey of the Forest Fauna.- 1.4.4 Some Aspects of Nutritional Requirements and Related Special Features of the Fauna of Deciduous Forests.- 1.4.5 Summary of the Zooecological Aspects of a Central European Deciduous Forest.- 1.5 The Decomposers.- 1.6 Ecological Investigations and Ecosystem Research.- 1.6.1 Adaption to a Cold Season (Hardening).- 1.6.2 Cold Resistance of the Herbaceous Undergrowth.- 1.6.3 Ecophysiology of Nemoral Tree Species.- 1.6.4 Ecophysiology of the Herbaceous Layer.- 1.6.5 Ecosystems.- 1.7 Subdivision of Zonobiome VI in Europe.- 1.8 Orobiome VI: the Northern Edge of the Alps.- 1.8.1 The Climate of the Alps.- 1.8.2 The Soils of the Alps.- 1.8.3 The Producers.- 1.8.4 The Northern Carpathians.- 1.9 Pedobiomes of ZB VI.- 1.9.1 Amphibiomes and Helobiomes of Riverine Floodplains.- 1.9.2 Halo- and Psammobiomes of the Sea Coasts.- 1.10 Zonoecotones.- 1.10.1 Zonoecotone VI/VIII of the Boreal-Nemoral Mixed Deciduous-Coniferous Forests of Europe.- 1.10.2 Zonoecotones VI/VII of the Forest Steppe of Eastern Europe.- 2: Subzonobiome VII of the Semi-Arid Steppes of Eurasia.- 2.0.1 General Introductory Remarks on Zonobiome VII.- 2.0.2 The Forest Steppe as Transitional Zone (Zonoecotone VI/VII).- 2.1 The Climate.- 2.2 The Soils.- 2.3 The Producers.- 2.3.1 Typical Meadow Steppe (Festuceta herbeta) on Thick Chernozem.- 2.3.2 Feathergrass Steppe.- 2.3.3 Sage-Feathergrass Steppe (Artemisieto-Stipetum) on Lightly Solonized Chestnut Earth (Castanozem).- 2.3.4 Ecophysiology of the Steppe Plants.- 2.3.5 Peri-glacial Steppe Relicts in Central Europe.- 2.3.6 West-Siberian Steppes.- 2.3.7 East-Asian Steppe.- 2.4 The Consumers.- 2.5 The Decomposers.- 2.6 Steppe Ecosystems.- 2.7 Subdivision of Steppes into Subzonobiomes and Biomes.- 2.8 The Orobiomes of the Steppe Zone.- 2.9 Pedobiomes of the Steppe Zone.- 2.10 Zonoecotone VII/VIII in Siberia.- 2.10.1 Climatic Conditions.- 2.10.2 Soil Conditions.- 2.10.3 Floristic Relationships.- 2.10.4 Ecological Investigations.- 2.10.5 Phytomass of the Pine Stands.- 2.10.6 The Natural Rejuvenation of Pine Forests.- 3: Subzonobiome VIIa of the Arid Semi-Desert in the Caspian Lowland.- 3.0 General.- 3.1 The Climate.- 3.2 The Soils.- 3.3 The Producers.- 4: Subzonobiome VIIa of the Arid Semi-Deserts and Deserts of Kazakhstan.- 4.0 General.- 4.1 The Climate.- 4.2 The Soils.- 4.3 The Producers.- 4.3.1 Ecological Investigations.- 4.4 The Consumers.- 4.5 The Decomposers.- 4.6 Ecosystem Research.- 4.7 Subdivision of the Kazakhian Semi-Desert into Biomes.- 4.8 Orobiomes.- 4.9 Pedobiomes.- 5: Subzonobiome VII (rIII) of the Extremely Arid Deserts of Middle Asia: the Biome Group Middle Asia.- 5.0 General.- 5.1 The Climate.- 5.2 The Soils.- 5.3 The Producers.- 5.3.1 Halobiomes or Salt Deserts.- 5.3.2 The Takyry.- 5.3.3 Deserts with Ephemeral Vegetation.- 5.3.4 The Sand Desert of Central Karakum.- 5.4 The Consumers.- 5.5 The Decomposers.- 5.6 Quantitative Ecosystem Research.- 5.7 Subdivision of Middle Asia into Biomes.- 5.8 Orobiome VII (rIII) of Middle Asia.- 5.8.1 The Kopet Dagh Mountains.- 5.8.2 The Tien Shan Mountains and the Pamiro-Alai System.- 5.9 Pedobiomes: Amphibiomes of the Floodplains of the Amu-Darya.- 5.10 Zonoecotone to the Deserts of Central Asia.- 6: Extremely Arid Subzonobiome VII (rIII) of the Central Asian Deserts.- 6.0 General.- 6.1 Transitional Region to Outer Mongolia (excluding the Gobi Desert).- 6.2 The Gobi Desert.- 6.2.1 General.- 6.2.2 Ecological Investigations in the Northern Gobi.- 6.3 The Pei Shan Desert.- 6.4 The Tari