Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 1, Veranstaltung: Marketing und Data Science, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit wird basierend auf der aktuellen Geschäftssituation eines fiktiven IT-Dienstleisters im Großraum Wien ein praxisnahes Konzept für die Analyse und Lösung von betrieblichen Problemstellungen erstellt. Basierend auf dem CRISP-DM-Vorgehensmodell werden die Bereiche Geschäftsbezugsanalyse, Datenexploration, Datenvorbearbeitung, Modellierung, Evaluierung und Bereitstellung betrachtet.
Juergen H. Gangoly, DrBA MBA, born 1972 near Vienna, Austria Partner and Managing Director of the Austrian PR agency The Skills Group (, an affiliate of FleishmanHillard International Communications ( Long-time Vice President of the Austrian Public Relations Association ( responsible for International Affairs and Quality Standards. Board member of the Austrian PR trust seal organization. Juergen represented Austria at the board of the International Communications Consultancy Organization (ICCO) since 2010 and served as ICCO's Regional President (Europe) from 2016 to 2020. He is specialized in issue management, crisis communications, high-end strategy consulting and social media. In recent years, together with his agency team, he became internationally one of the most-awarded European PR experts and won 5-times a SABRE Gold Award (EMEA), one ICCO Global Award - CSR, 4-times the 1st prize of the Austrian Best Practice Awards, twice the International German PR Prize (2013, 2014), two German PR Report Awards and received 2013 - for the third time - the renown Austrian State PR prize. He is author and co-author of different educational materials and publications on PR, online communications and E-Commerce and regularly acts as a lecturer on social media and mass communications at universities and educational PR events all over Europe. Before joining the PR industry 20 years ago, he has been active as a youth social worker and as campaign director for the Council of Europe, the European Union and served as a youth representative and expert at United Nations conferences in Vienna and New York. He is founder/co-founder of successful Austrian civil society initiatives and organizations, such as the Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (, the Austrian Centre for Sustainable Management (, the Austrian E-Commerce Trust Seal ( and of the social crowd-funding platform He is married, has two kids and is a passionate scuba diver and awarded underwater photographer. He speaks German, English and basic Arabic.