These immunosuppressive drugs are commonly used in a variety of inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions and targeted humoral and cell mediated immune response. Normally, these immunosuppressive drugs interfere and targeted different stages of the immune response i.e. innate and adaptive immunity. As per the literature, several different types of immunosuppressant drugs are reported and these drugs are generally required for successful organ transplantation and also used for the treatment of many autoimmune disorders. Generally, these immunosuppressants suppress rejection and dampen the autoimmune process, but they also lead to the undesired consequences of immunodeficiency, such as infection or malignancy, and non-immune toxicity. The objective of this book is to provide some information about the use of these medicinal plants in the treatment of certain diseases and also used as immunosuppressive agent against specific protein antigen.
Dr. Amit Gupta recently working as Senior Scientist in Department of Immunology and Virology, Vidya Pratishthan's School of Biotechnology and also engaged as Assistant Professor in Department of Zoology, Vidya Pratishthan's Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati, District Pune, Maharashtra, India.