Development Communication Issues in Africa, is one of latest books that have been specifically written for all categories of development practitioners, policy makers, scholars, students, planners, educators, as well as advocates. The major sections of the book are presented here below: CHAPTER ONE (3 - 49) Communicating Good Governance for Natural Resource Conservation Management (Authors: Wilson Okaka and Irene Judith Nagasha); CHAPTER TWO (50 - 72) Community Radio for Better Agriculture in Africa (Authors: Wilson Okaka and Irene Judith Nagasha); CHAPTER THREE (73 - 101) Engineers in Communication for Sustainability (Author: Wilson Okaka); CHAPTER FOUR (102 - 133); Communicating Geothermal Energy in Africa (Authors: Wilson Okaka and Irene Judith Nagasha). A profile of the book authors (134 - 135). The book is written in a classic journal format as all content in the chapters are based on the double peer- reviewed papers.
Prof. Wilson Okaka is a communication professional trained from Uganda, UK, Italy, Sweden, and USA. He has published conference papers, books, chapters, and edited articles. Prof. Okaka belongs research, media, science, and education networks. He has travelled to Africa, Asia, Middle East, USA, and Europe for education, conferences,and training.