Graham T. Smith is the retired Head of the Technology Research Centre which was a specialised section within Southampton Solent University. He worked as a Professor of Industrial Engineering there, and was one of the three original Founder Members of the Laser Metrology & Machine Performance International Conferences (LAMDAMAP, which has been running from 1993 to the present. Professor Smith has lectured-widely within the UK at industrial and exhibition venues, likewise across a diverse-range of university campuses in both Europe and North America, moreover he has continued to maintain close-links in the related machine tool and metrology industries. He has also previously refereed technical submissions for The Machine Tool Technologies Association (now known as the MTA) as a judge for the biennial MACH-awards and has regularly undertaken book and journal reviews, as well as periodic technical articles for the Industrial Press. Furthermore, he has also acted as an Expert Witness for many engineering/metrological litigation cases for some years and has also produced certain specific end-user products for a range of international companies, during last 50-plus years.