InhaltsangabeShort List of Contents(.-) Contents(.-) Preface(.-) A. FORMATION OF MEMORIES(.-) 1. The Principle of Contiguity (Harald Lachnit)(.-) Historical Antecedents: Philosophical Roots and Early Psychology(.)Empirical Departures from the Omnipotent Law of Contiguity(.)Theoretical Attempts to Retain the Law of Contiguity(.)Further Empirical Challenges to the Law of Contiguity(.)Competition Protects the Principle of Contiguity(.)Contiguity of Memory Traces(.)Back to the Significance of Contiguity for Learning(.)The Behavioral Expression of an Association Needs More Than Contiguity(.)Renouncing Contiguity in Favor of Time and Rate?(.-) 2. The Principle of Learning Based on Multiple Brain Structures (Thomas Kress and Irene Daum)(.-) Classical Conditioning as a Model System in the Neurobiology of Learning(.)Neuroanatomical Basis of Delay Conditioning(.)The Role of the Hippocampus(.)The Role of the Cerebellum(.)The Role of the Basal Ganglia(.)Brain Substrates of Complex Conditioning(.)Cerebellar-Hippocampal Interactions(.)Neuropsychological Studies in Patients with Damage to the Hippocampal System(.)Cerebellar-Prefrontal Interactions(.)Recent Developments(.)Conclusion(.-) 3. The Principle of Brain Plasticity (Brigitte Röder & Frank Rösler)(.-) Training-Induced Plasticity(.) Somatosensory System(.)Auditory System(.)Visual System(.)Motor System(.)Effects of enriched environments(.)Mechanisms(.)Lesion-Induced Plasticity(.)Intramodal Plasticity after Partial Deafferentiation(.) Intermodal Plasticity after Totally Deafferenting One Sensory System(.)Differences between Developmental and Adult Plasticity(.-) 4. The Principle of Emotional Learning (Gerhard Roth)(.-) Studies on the Interaction between Memory and Emotional States(.)The Memory System Inside the Brain(.)What are Emotions and Where do they Originate in the Brain?(.)The Neuronal Basis of Interaction between Memory and Emotion(.)The Role of Stress on Memory(.)CellularMechanisms of the Interaction between Memory and Emotions(.)Conclusion(.-) B. ORGANIZATION OF MEMORIES(.-) 5. The Principle of Code-Specific Memory Representations (Frank Rösler and Martin Heil)(.-) Empirical Foundations(.)Theoretical Foundations(.)Findings from Brain Imaging Studies(.)Spatial and Verbal Working Memory(.)Spatial and Object Working Memory(.)Long-term Memory for Verbal, Spatial, Color, and Motor Associations(.)Category-specific Representations(.)Conclusion(.-) 6. The Principle of Multiple Memory Systems (Axel Buchner and Martin Brandt)(.-) Distinct Memory Systems(.)Levels of Distinction(.)Working Memory(.)Modular Working Memory(.)Working Memory as Activated Memory(.)A Formal Model of Working Memory: The Feature Model(.)Summary of Working Memory Models(.)Long-Term Memory(.)Declarative versus Non-declarative Memory(.)Explicit versus Implicit Memory Measurement(.)Episodic versus Semantic Memory(.)Global Memory Models(.)Conclusion: Limits of the Principle of Multiple Memory Systems(.-) 7. Modules of Working Memory (John Jonides, Ching-Yune C. Sylvester, Steven C. Lacey, Tor D. Wager, Thomas E. Nichols, and Edward Awh)(.-) Verbal versus Spatial Storage(.)Rehearsal(.)Executive Mechanisms(.)Conclusion(.-) C. CONSOLIDATION OF MEMORIES(.-) 8. The Principle of Memory Consolidation and Its Pharmacological Modulation (Rainer K.W. Schwarting)(.-) The Consolidation Hypothesis and Its Origins(.)Experimental Procedures for Post-Trial Designs(.)Inhibitory Avoidance(.)Habituation of Exploration and Other Designs(.)Specific Aspects of Post-Trial Designs(.)Pharmacological Manipulations of Consolidation(.)An Example for a Pharmacological Post-Trial Approach: Cholinergic Manipulations in the Nucleus Accumbens of the Laboratory Rat(.)Brief Anatomy of the Nucleus Accumbens(.)Transmitters in the Nucleus Accumbens(.)Cholinergic Activity in the Nucleus Accumbens(.)Evidence for a Role of the Nucleus Accumbens in Mnestic