This book gives the reader an appropriate background for diagnosing and treating patients with vestibular disorders. Most causes of vertigo can be effectively treated, and there have been major advancements in both vertigo diagnosis and treatment in recent years. Unfortunately for many practitioners, modern training in the management of vertigo was not included as part of their residency. The major barrier to effective treatment in most patients seems to be lack of awareness of the correct diagnoses and treatment options on the part of providers. This book directly addresses that knowledge gap. The text is divided into 16 chapters. The initial chapters are an overview of normal vestibular anatomy, function, and testing. The next section of the book builds on these chapters to discuss the treatment of specific disorders like Ménières disease, vestibular neuritis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, and third mobile window conditions. The connection between vestibular disorders and psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression is discussed. Recent advancements in the treatment of vestibular disorders are covered with chapters on vestibular physical therapy and vestibular implantation. The book closes with a discussion of aging and the vestibular system. Disorders of the Vestibular System is an excellent guide to this rapidly evolving field and will be of great use to physicians in otolaryngology, neurology, and general practice who are likely to encounter patients with dizziness and vertigo.
Benjamin T. Crane, MDDepartment of OtolaryngologyUniversity of Rochester Rochester, NY USA Dr. Crane is an expert in otology and neurotology who also has a research background in disorders of the vestibular system. His research aims to better understand human motion perception and spatial orientation using psychophysical and engineering techniques to study head motion and its interaction with visual stimuli. Current studies involve healthy individuals, patients with vestibular hypofunction, and patients with dizziness symptoms related to common central integration disorders such as migraine associated vertigo. Lawerence R. Lustig, MDDepartment of OtolaryngologyColumbia UniversityNew York, NYUSA One of the nation's leading experts in hearing loss, Lawrence Lustig, MD, was appointed chair of the Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and otolaryngologist-in-chief at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, effective July 1, 2014. Christopher de Souza, MDLilavati HospitalHoly Family HospitalHoly Spirit HospitalMumbai, MaharashtraIndia Dr. Christopher de Souza has been a Visiting Assistant Professor in Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery since 1993 at both State University of New York, Downstate Health Sciences University and at Louisiana University Health Science Center in Shreveport. After teaching and pursuing otology, neurotology, and surgery training around the worldin India, the United States, and ItalyChris was made a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1994. In the same year, he became the second person in the world to be awarded the Orbit Silver Medal for his seminal work on the nose and paranasal sinuses.