Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability qualifies imperatives and discusses the use of mathematical approaches to assess and achieve sustainability in threatened and vulnerable Earth systems globally. Mathematical advances in this context include both operational and Boolean methods, as well as linguistic, logic-based Bayesian approaches and generative mathematics relevant to scenario formation. The mathematic methods are refined into functional areas and deeper learning, which enable the use of searching algorithms to achieve optimal solutions for the circular nature and application of sustainability. Pertinent sections and synergistic elements are covered in order to synthesize key informative nodes, advising of the very real dangers facing planet Earth and its biodiversity. Each volume stands in its own right. Analytical and scientific chapters are blended with social resilience and socio-economic development consideration, thus enabling the settings of sustainability within varying scenarios of climatic forces and species dynamics.Volume 2 focuses on bioaccumulation, climate change and resilience with reference to co-operative socio-economic and ecosystem management via policy frameworks effective across sectors, mathematical modelling of freshwater in coastal regions in arid and semi-arid zones, decision making in natural disasters, peat solidification for environmentally sustainable geotechnical engineering, green energy conversion, flood risk mapping, rainfall analysis, exposure, safety, and security amidst increasing environmental contamination, remote handling tools, wind turbines, and deep learning and its environmental applications. Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability is addressed to a global audience (academic/research, professional, classroom, governmental, unit and community members) in descriptive and illustrative sections, including all sectors to ensure Earth Systems Protection as our capacity reaches an unsustainable climax.
Dr. James Nicholas Furze is a member and Fellow of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Valorization of Natural Resources, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco; Control and Systems Engineering Department of the University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq; and an elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), London, England. Dr. Saeid Eslamian is a Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Sustainability in the Department of Water Engineering, and Director of the Centre of Excellence of Risk Analysis and Natural Hazards at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Dr. Safanah Mudheher Raafat is a Professor in the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq. Dr. Kelly Swing is a Professor of Tropical Ecology and Environmental Science at the University of San Francisco de Quito and Director Emeritus of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Quito, Ecuador.