Intercultural Communication as a Clash of Civilizations argues that Al-Jazeera is not an agent of globalization, as is widely argued, but a tool used by the Qatari government to advance its political as well as Islamist goals. This book also maps the Western tendency to reject the network outright despite Al-Jazeeras billion-dollar investments designed to gain entrance into Western markets; it shows empirically that this rejection is similarly rooted in religious, cultural and national motives. This book asserts that the main outcome of Al-Jazeeras activities is the promotion of religious and cultural conflicts. The network persistently portrays global events through the prism of conflicting religious and cultural values - propelling a clash of civilizations as per Samuel P. Huntingtons well-known thesis.
Tal Samuel-Azran (PhD, University of Melbourne) is Associate Professor and the Head of the International Program at the Sammy Ofer School of Communications at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. His research has been published in American Behavioral Scientist and Computers in Human Behavior, among others, and he is the author of Al-Jazeera and US War Coverage (Peter Lang, 2010).