Learn to interface and program hardware devices in a wide range of useful applications, using ARM7 microcontrollers and the C programming language. Examples covered in full detail include a simple LED to a multi-megabyte SD card running the FAT file system. Features of this book: Build prototype circuits on breadboard or Veroboard and interface to ARM microcontrollers. A 32bit ARM7 microcontroller is used in interfacing and software examples. Interfacing principles apply to other ARM microcontrollers and other nonARM microcontrollers as well. Example programs are written in the C programming language. Use only free or open source software. Download and install all programming tools from the Internet. Template project files are provided for easy project creation. Hardware: Interface to LEDs, transistors, optocouplers, relays, solenoids, switches, keypads, LCD displays, seven segment displays, DC motors, stepper motors, external analogue signals using the ADC, RS-232, RS-485, TWI, USB, SPI and SD memory cards. Software: Once hardware has been interfaced to a microcontroller, software must be written to control the hardware. You will learn how to write programs to operate externally interfaced hardware devices, use timers and interrupts. Also learn how to port FAT file system code for use with an SD memory card, program the PWM to produce an audio sine wave, program the PWM to speed control a DC motor and more. A chapter on more advanced ARM microcontrollers is included with an overview of some of the newest ARM microcontrollers and their features.