Praise for Academic Advising "Drawing on the best minds in the field, this book is a treasure trove of state-of-the-art academic advising policies and practices that address the wide range of developmental needs and educational interests of students.?It is destined to be an indispensable resource for academic and student affairs leaders committed to student success and institutional effectiveness." --George D. Kuh, Chancellor''s Professor and director, Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University Bloomington "This second edition is another substantive and important contribution to the literature on a vitally important institutional function. Professional academic advisors, faculty members, administrators, and scholars will find this a rich compendium of state-of-the-art material on every aspect of the field. Each chapter illuminates one of the multiple dimensions of an essential, but frequently underestimated, activity. Academic advisors function as students'' gateways to identifying and engaging in the broad array of curricular and co-curricular experiences that shape academic success and cognitive and psychosocial development in college. This book is about advancing the basic mission of our institutions: helping students learn." --Patrick T. Terenzini, Distinguished Professor and senior scientist, Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University "Student success does not arise by chance. It is the result of intentional strategies that provide a clear structure for students and are proactive in addressing their needs. No need is more important than that of academic advising. This second edition of Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook represents the best of what we know about advising by leaders of the field. It should be on every educator''s shelf." --Vincent Tinto, Distinguished University Professor, Syracuse University
Virginia N. Gordon is assistant dean emeritus and adjunct associate professor at The Ohio State University. She is author of Career Advising from Jossey-Bass. Wesley R. Habley directs the American College Testing (ACT) Center for the Enhancement of Educational Practices in Iowa City, Iowa. Thomas J. Grites is assistant to provost at the Richard Stockton of New Jersey in Pomona, New Jersey.