This book deals with competition policy from the standpoint of a business executive. It enables a busy reader to go straight to the business practice with which he is concerned and from there to a summary of the authorities' treatment of that practice. At the same time, it provides the reader who wishes to add an appreciation of anti-trust compliance to his professional portfolio with a comprehensive overview of the subject, together with a guide to useful sources of further information.
NICK GARDNER, since his retirement from the British Government Economics Service, has worked as a consultant to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. His Civil Service positions included Chief Economist at the Department of Employment. Previously, at the Department of Industry, he was responsible for economic advice on competition policy, and served as a member of both the Mergers Panel and the Liesner committees on monopolies, mergers and restrictive practices. His civil service career followed a career in the engineering industry. He is the author of Decade of Discontent.